A big follower or a convincing leader ?
Make your life a mission – not an intermission” ~ Unknown
‘Change’ is in. And rightly so. Change is very important to stay as an entrepreneur updated and interesting for your customers in this dynamic world. Without continuous learning you stop to understand the changing world around you and in worst cases it can even cost your customers. But change is also life philosophy: if you think you have arrived you stop travelling. Many companies keep falling into this complacency trap. Radical changes always require personal stance. In any place where dynamic and radical changes are taking place and where a huge demand for learning arises, debates on norms and values normally arise. Just look around! There are lots of books and courses available on personal development and passion-based learning.
We can clearly see integrity as a rizing business related topic. And this is no coincidence. Why? Big change puts you back to your roots and urges you on to take decisions on the following topics: what do I do it for? What do I want? What not? Where do I go to? Where do I stand for? There is a beautiful expression in English for this situation : defining moment.
The expansion of social media within business area belongs of course to such huge changes. In the stream of all changes and developments around us it is crucial to be aware of your own personal norms and values, which are not discussable under any circumstances and which form the basis of your everyday’s life and work. From this referencing point we make our choices: what do I want and what not? These values form actually the real basis for our communication and collaboration. They function as a sort of anchor (no grow without roots) and determine our personal integrity. Change and entrepreneurship without connection to your personal values turn you into a follower, a beach ball in the wind.
Don’t go there.